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Interested in Becoming an FCUSD Volunteer? 

Volunteers are an integral part of our school communities, and we encourage parents and community members to get involved.  Please review the following guidelines for Visitors, Category 1 Volunteers, and Category 2 Volunteers

Volunteer applications must be submitted at least 3 weeks before a field trip or event - otherwise, the application may not be processed in time.

 Visitors are defined as someone who: 

  • Assists in one-time activities such as guest speaking, job-shadowing, chaperoning dances, and checking in/out students

 Visitors must check in at the school site.  

 Category 1 Volunteers are defined as someone who: 

  • Assists in activities under DIRECT supervision of a District certificated employee less than four (4) times per year or sixteen (16) total hours per year 

Category 1 Volunteers must:  1) have a TB Test completed within 60 days of submission to the District, 2) complete the online Volunteer Application, and 3) undergo clearance through Megan’s Law Website.  

Category 2 Volunteers are defined as someone who: 

  • Assists in the classroom or other school activities more than four (4) times per year or sixteen (16) total hours per year 
  • Has direct contact with students and may be the sole adult with student(s) on a school field trip 
  • Has direct contact with students and may be the sole adult with student(s) in the classroom or other school-related activities on or off school grounds 
  • Serves as an overnight chaperone 
  • Volunteer coaches, regardless of number of hours served 

Category 2 Volunteers must: 1) submit fingerprints for DOJ criminal background clearance; 2) have a TB Test completed within 60 days of submission to the District; and 3) complete the online Volunteer Application.

Ready to Volunteer?  

Step 1) If you are applying to be a Category 2 Volunteer, schedule a Live Scan Fingerprinting appointment for DOJ criminal background
             clearance.You must obtain an FCUSD issued Live Scan form from the school site. This is REQUIRED regardless whether you have
             had a Live Scan done for another district. This cost is not covered by the District. If you have previously had fingerprints processed
             for FCUSD, you DO NOT need to process them again unless stated otherwise.  

 Click here for a list of Live Scan locations.
The Live Scan center provides an ATI (Applicant Tracking Identifier) number when you complete the fingerprinting process for background checks. This number helps track your application, so please ask the volunteers to keep it safe. Once fingerprinting is done, you can check the status by providing your ATI number and Date of Birth by clicking on this link or you can call the DOJ center and ask for updates. It will show a status like the image below.

            There will be two different statuses provided on this page, it will either say “In Progress” or “Completed – Date”. Once you see the
             “Completed – Date”, that means you can contact your requesting agency, as they have received the Live Scan results for your
             application. If the status remains on “In Progress”, this means the DOJ is still processing your background check and you have to

             If you type in your ATI number and DOB and no results are provided, this means your Live Scan service provider did not successfully
             transmit your Live Scan. You will need to contact them to ensure they have transmitted the Live Scan and have received a
             "Completed” status on their Live Scan device.

Step 2)  Have a TB Test or risk assessment completed within 60 days of submission to the District

Step 3) Complete the online Volunteer Application here. 

Step 4) Wait 2- 3 weeks for approval

* Please Note: For overnight field trips or chaperoning, Category 2 volunteers must complete the mandated training provided by the California Department of Social Services. You can take the training on this website: Volunteers / Child Abuse Mandated Reporter Training 

Click here for the online
volunteer application



Volunteer Handbook
revised 6.12.2024

Folsom Cordova Unified School District
Volunteer Code of Conduct & Agreement

Volunteer Code of Conduct

  • I will sign in at the main office immediately upon arrival. 
  • I will wear or show volunteer identification whenever required by the school to do so. 
  • I will only use adult bathroom facilities. 
  • I will never be alone with individual students without the express permission of school authorities or the supervising teacher. 
  • I will not contact students outside of school hours without permission from the student’s parents. 
  • I will not exchange telephone numbers, home addresses, email addresses, social media contacts or any other home directory information with students for any purpose unless it is required as part of my role as a volunteer. I will exchange home directory information only with parental and administrative approval. 
  • I will maintain confidentiality outside of school and will share with teachers and/or school administrators any concerns that I may have related to student welfare and/or safety, i.e. bullying, harassment. 
  • I will not transport students without the written permission of parents or guardians or without the express permission of the school or District. 
  • I will not disclose, use or disseminate photographs of students or school staff, or personal information about students or school staff. 
  • I will notify the school principal if I am arrested for a misdemeanor or felony sex, drug or weapon-related offense. 
  • I will only do what is in the best personal and educational interest of every child with whom I come in contact. 
  • I will wear appropriate attire. 
  • I will follow all District policies, procedures, and applicable laws. 

Volunteer Agreement

I hereby indemnify, hold harmless, and release the Folsom Cordova Unified School District (FCUSD), its governing Board, officers, employees, and agents from any and all liability claims, demands, injuries or death, losses, or damage which may be incurred during the course and scope of my volunteer activities with the District. 
I understand that volunteers are not compensated, and that I may only provide assistance under the direction and supervision of an employee of the Folsom Cordova Unified School District. I understand that my volunteer services are at the discretion of the Board through its designee, the site principal/administrator, and that my services may be terminated at any time. I understand that volunteers are covered under the District's Worker's Compensation Policy.  

By providing my signature, I hereby certify that all statements made on the application and any attachments are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and authorize investigation of all statements herein recorded.