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Welcome to the PTO

Your support helps our Oak Chan Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) achieve our mission of providing opportunities and resources that enrich, educate, encourage, and engage our students, staff, and families.

Download our PTO Brochure to learn more about what we do and how you can help!


Your membership helps us start the school year with operational funds and connects you to campus events and school community. Members receive a weekly email with up-to-date information on upcoming programs. Become a member today! 


The best way to support our PTO is to volunteer at our events and programs. There are positions for both during and after school hours, with and without CAT II clearance. Look for these opportunities in our emails and your children’s Wednesday folders. These events cannot happen without volunteers like you.


Participate in our PTO sponsored events by attending, donating, or volunteering. It’s your engagement that ensures these programs are continued each year.

COME TO OUR NEXT PTO MEETING: September 11th at 6:00pm at Cohn Park. For PTO Communication Questions: Please email Erin Howard, at with communication questions. For All Other PTO Questions, please email

PTO Treasurer's Report: Oak Chan Elementary Treasurer's report is reviewed each month at the PTO Meeting. Copies of the report are available by request. Please contact to request a report.


Oak Chan 2024-2025 PTO Board 

  • Avalon Danz (President)
  • Erin Howard (VP Communication)
  • Elisha Kampsen (VP Enrichment)
  • Tom Ewald (VP Enrichment)
  • Samantha Marshall (VP Events)
  • Sharon Costa (VP Fundraising)
  • Kristin Thompson (VP Membership)
  • Nicole Javier- Watson (VP Operations)
  • Amy Quillin (Treasurer)
  • Abigail Hill (Financial Secretary)
  • Carrie Berry (Secretary)
  • Nikki Lowman (Auditor)
  • Amber Pryor (Historian)
  • Laura Colombo (Teacher Liaison)

Tax-deductible donations to the OC PTO are always appreciated:

Box Tops

PTO Weekly Newsletter

Get updates regarding current activities, upcoming events, and volunteer opportunities in our weekly newsletter emailed every Wednesday. If you are not getting the email, contact Erin howard at and ask to be added to the list.